Sgarlata Francesco

Birthdate: 1988
Gender: Male
Short CV:
Hi, my name is Francesco, I was born in a seaside city in eastern Sicily, Syracuse. Close friends call me Ciccio, because in my homeland it is a nickname that is often used. About 4 years ago, as a mountain enthusiast, I discovered that I could cover the distances I covered with hours and hours of walking; and so I got hooked on running in no time. I started adding miles, increasing hours and trails, and the possibilities became endless. However, living in a city like Milan, road running has become the master of training and challenges by participating in events and competitions, including road running and long-distance mountain running: my true passion. Today I find myself having faced fun challenges in organized and self-sufficiency races, I mention some of the most significant: - UTLO 100km (2019); - Corona Circle Milano 100km (self-sufficiency, 2020); - Transappenninica (5 editions over 100km in self-sufficiency); - CCC 100k by Utmb (2021); - Adamello Ultratrail (170 km 12000 d+, 2021); - Ultra del Turchino (2 editions, 21/22) - Bi-Ultra 12 hours (circuit 2022); - Ultra Milano-Sanremo 285 km (2022); - Lavaredo Ultratrail 120k by Utmb (2022); - TransLagorai (sub 24 hours in self-suf, 21/22). I hope to see you as soon as possible. Ciccio
ID Year Race Start BiB CP Start / Date CP End / Date C/P Total Time
44 2023 30/09/2023 07:00:00 351 30/09/2023 07:00:39 01/10/2023 17:52:44 34:52:44