Csingár István

Birthdate: 1976
Gender: Male
Short CV:
I'm István Csingar, 46 (will turn to 47 in 2023), Hungarian, father of a boy and a girl and married a wonderful woman - who used to be my help on the longest runs. I started running in 2013, step by step extended the length to the current max 222kms. I run mainly on road, but also love trail. Main achievements are 4x Ultrabalaton (200+), 2x Korinthosz.hu (160+km), UTH (Ultra Trail Hungary) 111km, and some more 100+ races. I'm not too fast, but love running and challenge my limits on long runs.
ID Year Race Start BiB CP Start / Date CP End / Date C/P Total Time
44 2023 30/09/2023 07:00:00 172 30/09/2023 07:00:40 01/10/2023 12:55:13 29:55:13