Rodrigues Estela Vaz

Birthdate: 1974
Gender: Female
Short CV:
I have been running since 2011, there were 9 marathons, including Berlin, 2017; San Francisco, 2019; and in the last one, SP CITY 2022, I was top 100; In the long distance races, some of them were: BADWATER 135- 2019 in 39 hours, (already qualifying for Spartathlon, I did not apply because of the 2019 Covid Pandemic); BR 135 Ultramarathon 217km-2019 in 40 hours; UAI Ultra dos Anjos International in 2016, 2017 and 2018, at distances 95, 135 and 235 km; La Mision, San Martin de Los Andes/AR-2018, 134km. And finally, 24H Caieiras Ultramarathon 2022, Caieiras/São Paulo/Brazil, running 180,780km.
ID Year Race Start BiB CP Start / Date CP End / Date C/P Total Time
44 2023 30/09/2023 07:00:00 114 30/09/2023 07:00:29