Mikulski Łukasz

Birthdate: 1987
Gender: Male
Short CV:
I'm cousin of ANDRZEJ RADZIKOWSKI. Once, during familly event I told to him that if he could win SPARTHATLON, I can finish it. He told me - NO WAY! That time, 3km was a sky for me. I spend few years learning how to run to show him that I will do it. It's has begun to be my dream that time and still is. I started from preparation to run 10km (54minuts than, acctually 43) on some local competition. After that half maraton (1:48 than, actually 1:38), than Maraton with Andrzej Radzikowski who could not believe that I will do it (4:09 than, 3:21 now). I loved runing than. Sparthantlon was in my head during every training. First qualification 100km in 9:18 (which was canceled before I was ready to apply). After that ultra was a fun for me. Many competition over 60km and FINALLY 24h WITH RESULT OF 183km (Suwałki, Poland, 2021). First Backyard in Poland 2022 with 26 labs which I want also to improve this May during preparation for Sparthatlon. LET ME TRY GUYS! I WILL DO IT! :-)
ID Year Race Start BiB CP Start / Date CP End / Date C/P Total Time
44 2023 30/09/2023 07:00:00 249 30/09/2023 07:00:12 01/10/2023 13:27:34 30:27:34