Péter Poór

Ημ. Γέννησης: 1989
Γένος: Άρρεν
Σύντομο Βιογραφικό:
My name is Péter Poór, i was born in Hungary, on the 27th of August, 1989. I work in the building industry as an entrepreneur. I started running 15 years ago, and i've been doing ultras for 10 years. For the last two years Szilvia Lubics has coached me and helped me prepare for my races. It would be a dream come true to partake in this race, and successfully cross the finish line. My DUV profil: https://statistik.d-u-v.org/getresultperson.php?runner=191446
ID Έτος Έναρξη Αγώνα BiB Σ/Ε Έναρξη / Ημερομηνία Σ/Ε Τέλος / Ημερομηνία Ολικός Χρόνος Σ/Ε
45 2024 28/09/2024 07:00:00 321 28/09/2024 07:00:21