Van Dyck Wim

Ημ. Γέννησης: 1981
Γένος: Άρρεν
Σύντομο Βιογραφικό:
I started my career playing basketball for 20 years. Due to time issues I stopped Basketball and I started fitness which evolved to bodybuilding. With a neighbour I started training for obstacle runs with a distance from 10km until 21km..... After this I did my first 70.2 Triathlon (Halve Van Damme). After this I ran into Marathons and after 2 years I evolved to Ultra's which started with a 6hour Ultra (6u Van Aalter) and evolved to longer and longer distance. I finished several >100km races on trail and road. some important ones: In 2019 I Finished 'The Oner' and 'Scenic Trail'. In 2020 I finished my first 100 Mile race (Ultra Trail des Source). Not many races were possible in 2020 due to Covid. In 2021 I finished a 2nd 100 mile race in december, I also set a new PR on a 6 hour race (69.8km) and 100km race. In Feb 2022 I will go for the qualification of Spartathlon during the 24h race in Aalter. These are just the most important races, If you want to have details of other races you are welcome to ask.
ID Έτος Έναρξη Αγώνα BiB Σ/Ε Έναρξη / Ημερομηνία Σ/Ε Τέλος / Ημερομηνία Ολικός Χρόνος Σ/Ε
43 2022 30/09/2022 06:45:00 61 30/09/2022 06:45:30 01/10/2022 18:23:45 35:38:45