Burget Marc

Ημ. Γέννησης: 1974
Γένος: Άρρεν
Σύντομο Βιογραφικό:
Marc Burget Personal Information Hometown: Williamsport PA USA Resides : Jacksonville FL USA Age: 43 Height: 5 feet 5 inches Weight: 118 pounds Occupation: Endurance House / Director Of Operations Marc graduated high from Williamsport Area High School Class of 1992. Marc was married to Christina Searfoss in 1998 and shortly after they moved to Atlanta Georgia. In 2007 they adopted their daughter Annabelle Neyka Siomara from Guatemala. In 2008 the Burget family moved to Jacksonville Florida where they currently reside. Marc’s intrests include his family, Disney, and running. Marc has run for over 20 years but just started to run competitively in 2013. He ran his first marathon in 2013 at Walt Disney World finishing 3:10:16 123rd Overall. Once he completed his first marathon, Marc realized he was hooked on running. Marc is a member of PRS Running Club of Jacksonville. He is coached by Paul McRae of Personal Running Solutions. Under Coach McRae’s training, Marc has Marathon PR’d at 2:35:37. Career Highlights: 2013 Space Coast Marathon Champion 2014 Disney Tower Of Terror 10 Miler Champion 2014 Space Coast Marathon Winner/ Masters Champion & Masters C.R. 2014 Fort Clinch 50 Mile Champion and Course Record Holder 2015 Wolfsons Children's 55K Challenge Solo Champion / CR 2015 Space Coast Marathon 2nd Place and Masters Champion 2015 Gate River Run 15K Masters National Champion 2016 Walt Disney World Marathon Masters Champion 2016 Donna 26.2 National Breast Cancer Marathon Champion 2016 Gate River Run 15 K National Championships 3rd Male Master 2016 Walt Disney World Star Wars Dark Side Half Marathon 2nd Overall 2016 River To Sea 6 Hour Champion/Course Record Holder 2016 Bronze Man 12 Hours Of Fort Clinch Champion/ Course Record Holder 2016 Azalea 12 Hour Champion/ Course Record Holder 2016 Daytona 100 Miles Champion/ Course Record Holder 2017 Best Damn Race Half Marathon Jacksonville Champion 2017 Wolfsons Children's 55K Relay Challenge Champion / CR Links: Runners World http://www.runnersworld.com/general-interest/victory-at-breast-cancer-marath on-comes-with-special-meaning Jacksonville.com http://jacksonville.com/sports/local-sports/2016-02-14/story/262-donna-marat hon-winner-runs-race-his-life-his-wife 904 Fitness http://www.904fitness.com/faster-than-dopey/ News 4 JAX Video: http://www.news4jax.com/health/262-with-donna-grows-stronger
ID Έτος Έναρξη Αγώνα BiB Σ/Ε Έναρξη / Ημερομηνία Σ/Ε Τέλος / Ημερομηνία Ολικός Χρόνος Σ/Ε
35 2017 29/09/2017 07:00:00 196 29/09/2017 07:00:00 30/09/2017 14:47:56 31:47:56