Hernandez San Juan Nahila

Ημ. Γέννησης: 1974
Γένος: Θήλυ
Σύντομο Βιογραφικό:
Born in URSS, grew up in Cuba, lived for 20 years in Mexico and moved to Chile ein 2012. MBA and small enterpreneur. Speaker and wrote a book last year "Despues de la Distancia" (Beyond the distance). I have two daughters: Carmen (13) and Julia (10). I do ultramarathon since 2008 and being the first one Sunmart 50K USA (2008), Rocky Racoon USA 80k and 160K (2008 and 2009), Marathon de Sables Morocco (2009), Himalayan 100 mile India (2009), 4 Deserts Racing the Planet (2010-2012), Brazil 135 and Badwater (2013), 5 Continents Grand Slam: 5 races of 100 miles in 5 continents in 6.5 months (2014) and many others. Also completed an expedition in 2015 crossing the Atacama Desert in Chile 1230 kms in 23 days. Badwater: http://dbase.adventurecorps.com/results.php?bw_eid=65&bib=&lastName=&firstName=&gender=f&age=&wave=&country=&nationality=MEX&bwr=Go&last=65 Washi: http://www.buffsclub.co.za/running/images/2014WashieResults.pdf Tec 100: http://new.tec100.se/?page_id=732 Sovek Emek: http://live.4sport.co.il/event/1050/?hit=512 Brazil 135: http://www.brazil135.com.br/assets/img/resultados/9cdd6fd8365a091def8e32f75f6b5c9a.pdf
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