Šavs Špela

Ημ. Γέννησης: 1970
Γένος: Θήλυ
Σύντομο Βιογραφικό:
Špela Šavs was born on November 29th 1970 in Kranj, Slovenia. Ever since her young age she has proved herself as a skilled skiier and an enthusiast runner. Educated in economics, she is a mother of her two daughters and runs a private minimarket along with her husband. For the past 15 years she has been participating in different races, but the turning point has come in 2010 when she finished her first marathon race in Rome, Italy. Next most important turning point was when she ran through the finish line of her first ultramarathon in 2012 in Biel, Switzerland. One of the races she is also proud of would be 2016 ultramarathon 24h race in Belgrade, Serbia when she finished in absolute 3rd place and first among women. In 2016 she ran Ultrabalaton race (222 km) in Hungary. In 2017 she was putting all her effort into preparation for this year's Spartathlon. With help of her personal trainer Rajko Podgornik, who was also the trainer of his late wife Ruth when she ran Spartathlon as first Slovene woman in history. Along with good support of her trainer and her family, she was more than ready for Spartathlon, and running through the finish line in Sparta for the first time was her dream come true. In 2018 she finished a 345 km run from Taitre to Dunaj (Slovakia) as the first women in history. Her wish is to join this year’s Spartathlon, to re-experience the race and all its glory. The last time (2017) she was leaving for Greece, she got the unexpected call that her dad died. So she also wishes to experience the race in a different light. Here is result of ultramarathon, Belgrade 2015: https://rs.srichinmoyraces.org/files/rs/belgrade_ultra/belgrade_ultra_2015/belgrade_ultra_20 15_final_results.pdf Here is result of Ultrabalaton 2016: https://rs.srichinmoyraces.org/files/rs/belgrade_ultra/belgrade_ultra_2015/belgrade_ultra_2015_final_results.pdf Here is result of Spartatlon 2017: https://www.spartathlon.gr/en/races/athletes-eng/athlete/4046.html Here is result of od Taiter k Dunaju 2018 (Slovakia): https://www.odtatierkdunaju.sk/documents/OTKD-SOLO-BEZCI-SPOLU.pdf
ID Έτος Έναρξη Αγώνα BiB Σ/Ε Έναρξη / Ημερομηνία Σ/Ε Τέλος / Ημερομηνία Ολικός Χρόνος Σ/Ε
35 2017 29/09/2017 07:00:00 327 29/09/2017 07:00:00 30/09/2017 17:59:06 34:59:06